Thursday, October 9, 2008
New Biddy Birdies have flown into town!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Zippy Zipper Pouch - NEW DESIGN
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Oh Holy Moly!!!
Have been gone for a while!!! Summer has been roasting me.......well, I am up and back and posting strong!!! See you all soon :>
Friday, May 9, 2008
Independent Designer Friday - Design Options
Here is my favorite item from Designoptions- fleur de lis choker. I love French "things" and I am REALLY into red right now! Thiswould match my new red patent leather pumps perfectly!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I am featured on Handbag Designer 101!!
How exciting it is to be recognized!! I was featured on the Handbag Designer 101!!!! This website is fabulous for not only handbag designers but also handbag enthusiasts - of which I am both!!! It has wonderful references on handbag trends, celebrity handbag sightings, handbag events and highlights of handbag designers!!!
Check out my interview - how proud I am of myself - I am absolutely swelling :> Well, enough gushing!
Have a wonderful evening.......
Monday, April 28, 2008
Independent Designer Friday on Monday!! - Made by Melissa
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
It's a Convertible Baby!!!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
My 2 new loves .....
Obviously, I LOVE handbags. But, my second love is sunglasses. I wear sunglasses everyday of the year - everyday of the YEAR!! I am like the postal workers - rain, snow, sleet, hail - I wear my sunglasses. I basically find 2 pairs that I like and literally drive them into the ground. I mean, if you were a pair of sunglasses atop my nose, you would be SERIOUSLY worked.
So, on to my new loves of 2008! Metallics are SO hot - they're everywhere!! I want to wear this new trend but I am a stay at home mom and wife of a man who is studying day and night for a SERIOUS test in June so.....I rarely dress up how I would like. I do, however, dress up with handbags, scarves and SUNGLASSES!!!!
These are my two little metallic pretties - the top I bought for $5.99 at Charlotte Russe - what a steal!! The bottom I bought the same day for $22.00 at a mall kiosk - so Top Gun :> I love them and I feel good in them - which is well worth every penny spent!!!
Independent Designer Friday - Girl Party Tutus
Here is my favorite tutu from Girl Party Tutus - Meadow Rose Ribbon Wrapped Tutu. What a delicious and darling pink and green tutu! Oh, if only I could be 3 again - I would DEFINETLY wear this :>
I asked Kim from Girl Party Tutus a few questions about the craft business!
1. How would you describe your crafts/Etsy Shop -
2.How did I get started -
3.How long have I been crafting -
4.What is my inspiration -
5.What is your favorite piece in your shop today -
6.How do I market/advertise - I am just getting started so my focus has been 1st, word of mouth, thankfully I have a large family and group of friends who have done an amazing job helping me spread the word and handing out business cards. 2nd I have joined networking groups like Designing Swanky Moms, IndiePublic, Posh Mamas and the Mom Pack. These amazing moms, designers, crafters, entrepreneurs have been a huge resource and have helped get my name and tutus out there as well as providing a wealth of information and support to help me move my business forward!
7. Any advice for fledgling crafters/entrepreneurs -
Thanks Kim!! You have adorable tutus! :> The world would be a much prettier place if every little girl could twirl in a Girl Party Tutu!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A BEAUTIFUL day with my kids!!
We had an absolutely delicious day today!! It was about 70 degrees and SUN!!! I love the spring :> My kids are having a GREAT time everyday riding around in my son's new motorized car. My daughter at first was afraid and now she just loves to zip around with my son. She asks everyday to "Go for a ride in Brady's car." I can't wait until she can steer herself because I am already eying up the Barbie jeep for her! Our neighbor, who is 4, has that car and my daughter LOVES to just sit in it and get a ride. She is really into pink and girly stuff so the Barbir jeep is completely up her alley!

Friday, April 11, 2008
Independent Designer Friday - Dinner Time Chimes
Here is my favorite piece from Dinner Time Chimes- Ready for the Beach - Shell Spoon Windchime. I can imagine sitting on my deck enjoying the tranquil sound as I dine al fresco. Ahhhhh.....summer!!!
How would you describe your crafts/Etsy shop?
We like to think that our shop is filled with unique gifts, that just happen to be created from things that other’s no longer have use for.
How did you get started?
The windchimes started out as a way of having something fun to make with my dad when I was in middle school and to also give me something to hunt for at flea markets. Over the years, it's turned into 'what can I make out of these?' thrift hunts for silverplate and anything that I think will work as a bird house. Now that I’m married and have convinced my husband that this is fun, the work continues.
How long have you been crafting?
I’ve been making crafts for as long as I can remember, I must have something to do at all times.
What is your inspiration?
Since almost everything in our shop is created from other’s trash, I guess that I’d have to say that I’m inspired by estate sales and thrift store finds. The reason that I continue to make wind chimes after so many years is that I love the look on people’s faces at shows when they realize that it’s real forks and spoons making that beautiful song they’ve been hearing as they’ve strolled along.
What is your favorite piece in your shop today?
This one goblet windchime ( ) is my current favorite, mainly because I think that the picture turned out great. Getting a perfect shot of the windchime, when the wind’s not blowing and it can be cropped to a square for Etsy and still look impressive has proven to the more difficult that I would’ve thought. My second favorite is the boot birdhouse, mainly because it’s so unique and people browsing the shop can’t help but click to see what it is.
How do you market/advertise your wares?
Since this business is a hobby for us, we rely heavily on word of mouth advertising. The local free online advertising has worked out great, mainly because the items that we create are so unique. The local NCTriangle Etsy Street Team ( ) has really started working together to support each other through Etsy and local shows, and soon we hope to start doing some advertising both locally and nationally to find shoppers. In addition to selling online via Etsy and our own website, we have windchimes in a couple local antiques stores.
Any advice to fledgling crafters / entrepreneurs?
Follow your dreams and do what you enjoy. Crafting and selling what you make should be fun and exciting; otherwise you should ask yourself if it’s worth it. Ask questions if you need help with anything, the crafting community tends to be very giving and friendly.
Thanks Erin!! I admire your effort to find pieces to recycle to make into beautiful music and to make ou planet a little greener in the process!!! CHEERS :>
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Please donate
I watch American Idol. I love to listen and cheer on my favorite contestants. I sit on my couch with my glass of white wine and enjoy the comfort of my home. I was touched by the special show that was aired tonight. I want to give. I want to help. I pledge to donate to help end hunger and death in our country and countries around the world. Won't you help me?
Visit here to find out how you can give back - Idol Gives Back.
Have an idea to help me launch a way to help with a handbag line?? I would LOVE to hear!!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Why buy a custom fabric handbag??
You may be asking yourself this very question. What are the benefits of buying a custom designed purse from Simple Sweetcakes??
Well there are many reasons:
1. You will have a bag that is completely unique to you ~ Unique in size, shape, texture, color, and style.
2. You become the designer. What fabrics do you like together? What ribbon colors would you like to add? What size handle is most comfortable for you?
3. You are OVER the "designer" handbag parties. You are looking to be an original - NOT a follower.
4. Spring and Summer are fantastic times to flaunt color!! You can choose a bright hue to lighten your mood.
5. It's FUN!!!
Interested in seeing more?? Check out our current fabric selections - FABRICS.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Birds before dawn
It is dark. My son looks up the stairs. He turns to me. "I'm not going up there," he says. "It's dark up there!" My 2 year old daughter turns to me and says, "It dark up dare!" and "Ooooohhhhh!" I tell my son that there is nothing going on in the dark that there isn't going on in the light.
Yet, tonight as I sit and watch Pride and Prejudice (I LOVE all period British moive and especially Jane Austin!!!), I have a realization. In the film, Lizzie begins to hear a most beautiful sound. It is the sound of the first bird just before dawn. I begin to imagine my experiences with this sound. This is my connection - In your desperation, it starts as a faint sound in the back of your mind. You lay there in the darkness, still thinking and trying to shake the terror you feel. And then, wait....there it is again. You begin to think that it might be a sweet sound. wait....yes, there it is again and again....and wait. again! The sounds are coming so quickly now. You don't even need to look out the window. You know that daylight is coming. You know that everything is changing now. Changing from the dark of the night. So now it's "better."
I actually connected with my son in that thought, that moment from the film. I once felt how he feels about the dark. I remembered my feelings. I realized that my practical advice of there being no difference of surroundings between day and night means nothing when you are scared. I felt the empathy of the moment. I did not belittle his feelings. I will not. I will try every day to feel them in my heart.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Independent Designer Friday - Chic Designs by Hayley
Thursday, April 3, 2008
The NEW Dolce Bag
I am pleased to introduce the latest addition to the Simple Sweetcakes handbag line - the Dolce Handbag. In Italian dolce means sweet. I think that this sums up the bag. I really wanted a sleek and modern looking handbag with also practicality in mind.
We all carry our LIVEs around in our handbags. We need a bag that can stand up to that tall order. So, the Dolce is tall ~12 inches and it's wide ~ 12 inches. It can carry your water bottle, diapers, sippy cups, wallets, pouches, makeup, hat, socks - whatever you want! It super stylish and site extremely comfortably under your arm.
Check out the one above here - Dolce Handbag in Pink and Green Spring Patchwork.
Ciao Dahling!!!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
My new FABRICS have arrived

I can't wait to get sewing!!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
What a delicious dress!!

Monday, March 31, 2008
He he he he!!!! I feel like a little kid leaving the candy shop with my bag full of penny candies (oh how I miss penny candy stores!!) I LOVE this new fabric. I am waiting on pins and needles until it gets here! I can't wait to get it! I LOVE the red and turquoise - so great for spring. Also, how COOL is the orange and yellow pop - so retro! What will I make with this??? I am in the process of addding other new fabrics to my selections - FABRICS - If you have been thinking about designing your own bag - I have some fab fabric coming!!!
My kids had a FAB Birthday Party!!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Independent Designer Friday - Butercups And Buterflies
!Here is my favorite piece from Buttercups And Butterfiles - Blue Couch Tissue Box Cover. What a fun way to liven up any room in your house. This is truly a conversation piece :>
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Planning a Birthday Party - friend and foe
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
NEW Crayon Toddler Bags!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Customize Tote with Nature
Here is one other project from Martha - I will do this as soon as we have leaves!! You use a canvas tote or pillow or curtains (you decide) and choose real leaves to embellish with fabric paint! So artistic, simple and fun :>
Handbag Tutorials!!!
Here are some cool and fun handbag tutorials to get you started on this Monday!!!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Toddler Tips - HOT Easter Crafts!!

LOVE this adorable Easter bucket from . I especially LOVE the chickie template - they are absolutely adorable!! My kids and I made Easter baskets the other day out of old shoe boxes, construction paper, markers and good old foam stickers! I will post their masterpieces tomorrow.
How about this adorable Easter bunny card! I found this at a site called - Crafters Community. I will have to find some time tomorrow to make a few for their grandparents!
The also wanted to mention some of THE BEST chocolate I have ever tasted - Gertrude Hawk ChocolateTuesday, March 18, 2008
Going Green - Organic Gardening Options
I found a company recently offering a wide range of organic weed and pest control products as well as organic fertilizer. Hey, I LOVE a green lawn come spring just like the next lady but, I am beginning to think that all of the herbicides I use to keep those dandelions away just isn't "dandy" for the environment!
Along comes - Pharmsolutions!!! This company makes natural alternatives to man-made chemicals. Everything from IndoorPharm made from certified organic soap, certified organic almond oil& certified organic soybean oil to keep indoor pests away from plants to GarlicPharm made with pure garlic oil to keep outside pests away.
I am psyched!! I will be able to grow my veggies this year and enjoy my flowers knowing that in protecting them I am NOT hurting my planet!!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Independent Designer Friday - Doodle Designs
Toddler / Kid Tips - Keep your house clean!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
FAB skin care creams - ROC

Quote of the Week!
This is a TERRIFIC bit of advice. It happens to be one of my New Year's Resolutions - just listen more. Sometimes we let information slip by that could really help us and/or the person talking because we aren't listening. We're just waiting for our turn to speak. I call it "the Stubbed Toe" syndrome. You tell someone that you just stubbed your toe and it stinks! He says, "Yeah, I stubbed MY toe last week and was in the hospital!" Big deal......I want to talk about MY toe! And it goes on and on.....
So, in short - LISTEN!!! Don't talk and enjoy. You might realize that you were missing something! :>
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Going Green - Recycle Cell Phones!
Monday, March 10, 2008
My new fabric love - Alexander Henry
Friday, March 7, 2008
Independent Designer Friday - Beach Haus Designs
The Independent Designer of the Week is Beach Haus Designs - a fantastic Etsy shop specializing in limited edition jewelery that sparkles and shines!
Here is my favorite piece from Beach Haus Designs - The Jenny Necklace - from the website - What a delicious raspberry shade - a very FRESH addition to your spring wardrobe.
I asked June of Beach Haus Designs a few questions about the craft business!
How would you describe your crafts/Etsy shop?
It is an extentison of our website with a few beautiful pieces of jewerly on it. We are looking forward to expanding our collection on Etsy in the near future.
How did you get started?
I was creating jewelry as a hobby & as gifts for friends and family when people started asking to buy my jewelry. My first sale was a sparkly shamrock bracelet!
How long have you been crafting?
Honestly, all my life! My mother was a huge crafter and really made it fun for myself & my sisters. So for me to be creating jewelry is such a natural thing........I have been creating jewelry specifically for about 10 years now.
What is your inspiration?
I am inspired by my two beautiful daughters & supportive husband. I love to travel pretty much everywhere as well as we spend a lot of time at the beach in Florida and in Northern Michigan. The sand, the water & the sunsets are huge sources of inspiration everyday! Being a southern girl I love feminine, girly, fun things and that reflects a lot in what I design.
What is your favorite piece in your shop today?
In the etsy shop- I love the Rosie Posie Bracelet
At our online store- I love the Olive Necklace
How do you market/advertise your wares?
We advertise in some regional magazines as well as we do quite a bit of web marketing, newsletters, postcards as well as we have our web address on everything we send or give out. Really helps to get the store name & website out to customers.
Any advice to fledgling crafters / entrepreneurs?
Don't give up. If you feel this is your calling in life then go for it! Sometimes it is learning a better way of doing things, marketing it differently, trying different shows, etc....I found that once I try something & it doesn't work then we try something else and try not to keep repeating the same mistakes. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help or advice from others that are being successful. Mentors are a great thing!
Thanks June - for your information and a bit of sparkle and bling!!
Toddler Tips - Girl Charlee Clothing

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Quote of the Week!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Going Green - Talking Trash

I often think about and research ways to help the environment. I especially think about reducing my waste. I use cloth diapers, reusable grocery bags, recycle all paper and cardboard and plastic, glass and aluminum.
I found some facts from Better Homes and Gardens that I want to pass to you. I always wondered what became of the items I recycled - here is some cool information.
Recycled Glass becomes food containers, tiles, landscaping pebbles and road surfacing.
Paper becomes newsprint, boxes, insulation, and animal bedding. **One Sunday paper recycled each month saves a tree a year!!!
Aluminum becomes beverage cans, cookware, bike parts, and tennis rackets. Steel becomes new steel and could become auto parts, filing cabinets or appliances.
Plastic turns into alot of things. #1 and #2 plastics become beverage and shampoo bottles, pipes, fleece, fencing, deck planks and gutters.
Want a cool shopping tote - check some out like the one pictured above out at my Etsy store - .
Now you can feel good knowing where your recycled items end up! Good Kharma :>